Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 6: Everything happens for a reason...

Day 6 [9.8.09]:

I woke up this morning around 9am. I was still thinking about the unfairness of life and how supposedly everything happens for a reason. In talking to M, I was reminded that this life is not what this life is about. I always forget that! Sometimes I get so caught up in the moment, what is happening right here and now that I have to remind myself that life really is short. I have considered many schools of thought through different churches that I've been to. Some believe that life is all about blessings, our own desires. Some believe that we are all doomed no matter what. Some believe that we (humans) are here for a reason- to prepare us for eternity and/or to carry out His message here on earth. I tend to lean to the fact that this life isn't about me, it's not about me getting all of the desires of my heart here on earth. Blessings are an added benefit, but not the purpose of our existence in this life.

I believe this based on a several ways that I have seen my life unfold. First, most things in my life I can see an explicit path in which the event before prepared me for the next step of my life. Opportunities have basically presented themselves to me. The first job I applied for when I got out of graduate school was the job that I got- and the job I really wanted. I didn't even get interviews to the other jobs. That job led me to what I wanted to do next- org development. That has been leading me in all kinds of directions- which is part of the problem. I know WHAT i want to do, but not how, when, where, what type, etc.

I also believe that most of the things that I thought I really wanted but didn't get, in the long run didn't end up being that important to me. Sometimes I realized I was much happier without those things. I hope that one day, I will also be able to add this life transition to the other "stepping stones" I have experienced- not the beginning of the end.

So anyway, today, we went to the St. Louis Art Museum. It was really great! I went back to the house while M went to his old highschool to coach a fb game (yea! surprise to me too!). Then mother-in-law made a FANTASTIC DINNER of spaghetti and fried chicken. I also had the most amazing pound cake I have ever had. It was SO delicious! See pics below- the piece missing was the one that I devoured :)

This is me full.

There may be a delay in my blog posting until Sat. I don't know about my internet access as we are heading out to Chicago tomorrow!

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