Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 15: The End of The Beginning

Day 15 [9.17.09]:

I don't really know where to begin, so I guess I'll begin at the end- which is the beginning... This two week journey has been wonderful! I have met new people and met up with old friends and family. Everything ran so smoothly- no accidents, no illness, and we were able to see so many people that we don't normally get to see.

Most of all, it served as an opportunity for M and I to begin to transition towards our new life. As I am now nearing the end of the beginning of this new chapter I can't help but reflect on some of the lessons that I want to take with me beyond this trip. While some may not be these new brilliant ideas, they are reminders for me and hopefully you can serve as reminders for you as well. (These are in no particular order of priority)

1. Get a Clear Plan: This includes building a new and improved resume, contacting old and creating new networks, and develop a 1, 5, and 10 year plan- while being mentally prepared to revise and adapt as needed.

2. Believe in Myself: I have to believe that I already have developed a wealth of skills through the diverse projects and experiences that I have had over the last 3.5 years since grad school. I also have to believe that whatever may be missing will come in time. A baby isn't born talking, walking, and driving a car. The learning stage is encountered each time we enter new territory. I am moving out of the infancy stage in my career, but have a long way to go until I reach maturity. And that's ok. And I'm going to face more infancy stages throughout my life. And that's ok.

3. Build Solid Relationships: They are important. We can't survive in this world without surrounding ourselves with support and love. I don't think that I have intentionally avoided relationships, but I wasn't willing to give enough of myself to really build trusting, supportive relationships. I need to learn to trust. I need to learn to take risks. I need to learn that being vulnerable is ok sometimes- I will get burned from time to time, but sometimes I will be able to develop lasting relationships that forever change me for the better.

4. Accept That Life is Unfair: Even amidst all the injustice that life will shove in my direction, don't fail to recognize the good things. Life can only be lived one day at a time. As hard as I try to live 2 to 3 weeks in advance (and sometimes 1 to 2 years in advance), I can't. I can only begin each day when the sun comes up and take the challenges and joys of each moment of that day. Let it go. Stop stressing over things that are out of my control. While planning is good, make a plan and then move forward. Stop second guessing my plans. When things don't go as planned, re-up and make a new plan. Stop trying to make a failed plan a success. Be innovative, flexible, creative, and adaptable. Focus on what is RIGHT in my life, and spend less time trying to fix what is wrong.

5. Reminisce on the Good 'Ol Days Often: I have experienced many, many wonderful blessings in my life. Don't forget these. Don't forget the people that shared in those experiences with you.

6. Take Risks: Take one risk a month. Not something life threatening :) of course, just take a risk that challenges my fears and exposes them to the light- what is reality.

7. Invest in Family: Invest time, energy, and self into building stronger and closer relationships with family. I have seen on this trip how they really rally around you when times get tough. It's not to say that I haven't seen this in my family before, but I was really reminded about how great family can really be. I need to do better about maintaining more steady, consistent relationships with family- even in good times! I want to make sure that I am there for my family as they have been there for me during this transition time.

8. Laugh OFTEN: Laugh until my stomach hurts. Laugh until tears fall. Make others laugh. Laugh loudly, without restraint, and as often as I can. Laughter really does heal the soul.

9. Roll with the Punches: Always remember that stability is a mindset, not an environmental condition.

10. Live Life: Don't let it live me. Be the driver, not the passenger.

I have been SO VERY GRATEFUL to all of messages and comments that I have received from everyone who has been following this journey. It is nice to know that I'm not alone on this journey- many people are in transition, in uncertainty and we have had the opportunity to encourage one another. Thank you for reading my blog! Although this blog is finished, it is my hope that it serves to generate even more conversations with you. I want to share with you, and I look forward to hearing from you what is going on in your lives as well. Let's not stop this dialogue today- let's use this as a launching board for discussions about the journey of self development and exploration. I love you all in different ways and for so many different reasons!

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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