Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 2: The Back Nine to the Front

Day 2 [9.3.04] was pretty low key- for me anyway. Got up around 8, eventually made my way into a shower of some sort and had breakfast. We considered getting pedicures, but I decided against spending $80... You know, being unemployed an all :). I'm so mature now. Actually, I'm just going to get a less expensive one in a few days :) (I'm not THAT mature).

Martin, my aunt and uncle, and I made our way to Deer Creek State Park so they could play 18- count 'em- EIGHTEEN holes of golf. I was outtie after just 9. I had other things to do- like figure out if they had internet in the lodge where Martin and I were staying. Quite truthfully, I didn't even play. I didn't even contribute my skills to drive the cart. However, it must be noted that prior to my untimely departure, i did manage to take 100 pictures.
I think that was a good contribution to the day- capturing the memories. Did I mention....
my new photography hobby? I'm going to get good folks, just you wait and see. Especially when I get my new digital SLR camera!

No big epiphanies today. While I would have to say today was a success, I'm still waiting on my AHA moment... where it all becomes clear.


  1. I think your comments about the concerns that your friends and relatives have about saying the right/wrong thing to you and Martin was most insightful. Oh yeah, I really liked the "grass curtain" pictures; Keep 'em comin'

  2. Here's an AHA thought for you... only uncertainty is certain. :) I know it doesn't help with the day to day, but especially where you are in life, transition is a constant.
