Friday, September 4, 2009

Day 1: The Beginning

In reflecting on what I hope to get out of this blog- I really believe there are two goals: one, to let people who are in the cities we will be visiting know when we will be around; two, to take friends on this transition I will be experiencing over the next two weeks. Many of us have, or are, experiencing major life transitions of career, relationships, etc. This is just a 2 week blog to chronicle mine. This is just one story...

Martin and I had talked about taking a road trip as a good way to transition to a new chapter if a new chapter presented itself- which it did. So here we are...

Day 1 [9.3.09]:
We left Pittsburgh around 1 today. Well... we actually left Pgh around 2:30p but had to run to the library to get some CDs on tape (for me), drop my car off at a friends (so the woman who jacked up my door in our complex wouldn't retaliate after I filed the insurance claim), and drop off some ice thingy machine at the Steelers complex that martin had used for his legs.
One small snafoo held us up, which was actually pretty good, I guess. This snafoo consisted of an 8-10 miles of construction where driving consisted of 20 miles per hour- or just plain stopped. This set us back about 30 min. Yuck. My advice: do NOT drive on 70W from Pgh to Columbus right now.

We got to my aunt and uncle's in Dublin. They were very sensitive to how Martin may have been feeling. I realize that it's really hard to know what to say to someone who has lost their employment. I mean- do you ask a lot of questions, tell the person how stupid the job is for leaving you high and dry, immediately assure them of how they believe they are going to find something quickly? OR do you let them bring it up (risking that the person feels like you don't care that they are facing this new challenge/opportunity)? Yeah well, I hope you weren't expecting an answer right now- I don't know the answer. I really think it's up to the person. Sorry, that wasn't very helpful.

We had steaks (filet mignon and porterhouse.. YUM!) and after much discussion about our future plans options, etc. We hit the hay. Well, Martin hit the hay. I had to watch Real Housewives of Atlanta first to take my mind off my troubles :) THEN- I hit the hay...

1 comment:

  1. Im in london which means im missing all the real housewives (both atl and nyc). ahhh i dont like that. im excited to follow your blog. we miss you two!
