Today started with a discussion with God. It's really difficult to understand His plans sometimes... especially when they seem so different from my own dreams. We had to have a chat... And that's how my day began. I just want clarity. Clarity for where life is going, or how to even begin. Hard to get going when you don't know WHERE you are going. I believe that these times can bring me even closer to God if I allow it or it can distance me, if I allow it.
After a nice breakfast overlooking beautiful Deer Creek at our hotel....
we headed to Miami for a whirlwind of meet and greets.
What was supposed to be a nice afternoon of watching the Redhawks play a little football ended up being a mad dash from the 50 yard line,
to a suite, to the tunnels, to the field (where I got to be on TV- hahah SO RANDOM, see pics), to the MU athletic dep't suite to a host of characters in between. Phew.
It was nice, interacted with some fans (not of me;) ) and then had a chance to NETWORK- It was some serious networking happening today. Miami alum really are pretty swell. Btw... MU got boom-blasted on the field. Guess you really can't rebuild a team overnight...
Here's Martin and former MU teammates catching up:
We hit the road and stopped at Cracker Barrel, ate a delicious dinner and then got back on the road.
On the way, we got into several in depth discussions. One got me thinking about myself... I was thinking about how different we are in terms of how we go about facing opportunities. We were talking about if an employer called and offered me a job to be a Director of Diversity at their corporation/business. I would probably turn down the job because I wouldn't feel prepared for such a position. Martin, on the other hand would accept the job and learn as he went. The expectations would drive him towards success... I let fear to often limit what I'm willing to do- even if it's being handed to me. I HATE to fail. I mean, HATE (and by hate, I mean I'm scared). So often I don't take enough risks. First thing I will do when I get back to the 'Burgh is take a risk. I'm not sure what yet, but I'm going to do it just to start to get practice. Any suggestions? Especially ones that will push me to network more aggressively!
First of all, I LOVE your blog. Second, I am offering my suggestion for the risk you should take when you get back home. You mentioned in an email to me (or maybe a FB msg, idk) that you were considering taking the next step in your career at home... I think you should do it! Start the business, and do it well! Do you know who the best risk takers are? Or who the best types are to analyze a situation to determine if a risk is worth it? I'll tell you -- People who don't normally take risks. THe reason why is you think deeper than the average Joe, because of your 'hatred' (fear) of failing. And with the start of a new business, networking HAS to increase 100 fold, so you accomplish both goals... Go for it Cousin!!