Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 12: Blast from the Past

Day 12 [9.14.09]:
Today was a whirlwind! I didn't have time to think- which was a welcomed relief :) We woke up around 7:30a, got ready to go and got on the road. We got to Miami about 10:30a, finished getting dressed in the car and headed in to begin our hectic day.
It started with a cancelled/rescheduled meeting. Instead, we rode the Green Bus (haven't done that in awhile) back to Millett to meet with the new football head coach. Chatted it up with him for awhile. For me it was a pretty super duper experience! I had never had access to this area of Miami. I saw the rooms where the positions meet, saw some of M's pics on the walls (would have gotten pics but I had to play it cool), saw the hallway where many members of the cradle of coaches had walked. It was pretty cool.
Then we headed to a lunch at Kona with some peeps with the athletic dep't- waited for an hour for a meal and had to take it to go so we wouldn't miss our next meeting. They were trippin! It took them about 10 min. just to seat us. 20 min. to take our order, 10-15 min. to get drinks, and then 30-40 min. waiting on the food. I mean, come on! I guess the outside seating was pretty busy, but the place isn't but a finger snap big- including the outside seating. We did get the chance to chat with some pretty nice people. I realized how proud I was to be a Miami alum. It is such a connected community.
We met with a few more people and then I finally had a chance to go revisit some personal landmarks for myself, including my senior year residence- candlewood!!
After touring a somewhat changed, but somewhat the same campus and housing I returned to retrieve M from his last meeting with the Athletic Director. We began our journey to Toledo, but first stopped at the Pulley belltower for some pic opps. M took the pic of the belltower- his photog skills are almost as good as mine ;)
We arrived in Toledo around 8:30 and stopped by Dad's choir rehearsal. Shout outs to CSCC for their prayers and supportive words for this transition that we are going through. They prayed for M and offered encouragment for this next phase of his life. It was a nice way to finish up the day. We then went back to my Dad's digs. A headache put me down early for the night.

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