Saturday, September 12, 2009

Day 10: It is what it is...

day 10 [9.12.09]:

Life is what it is... and what it is- is what you make of it. You can choose your reaction, how you decide to intepret life events (whether challenges or positive events). While we don't control many events, we can control how we think about them, feel about them, and move forward in life. Bad things that can happen to us and while they may feel that way in the moment, still provide us with options. One aspect that cannot be taken away is your choice to utilize challenges, opportunities, and blessings in a way that mobilizes and propels us to the next scenario. This is not easy! I often choose to worry, stress, and pull my hair out over things that I may not have any control over. However, reminding myself that I still have choices in the situation- how i react, how i interpret and use that situation, etc.- can often provide me with some peace. It doesn't solve the problem- but does provide me with a peace of mind that is priceless. Life is what it is. We don't control it, but we can use our experiences for good or for bad and have power over ourselves, especially our minds. We can choose to use healthy coping strategies (i.e. relaxation, meditation, prayer, confiding in others, etc.) or we can choose to react in a manner that further propels us towards negative outcomes.

Today we drove from Chicago (bye bye Chi!) to Indy.
It was a quick drive, we hung out with M's friend and his new baby (so cute!!) and then swung over to our temp residence- his sister's house.
We ate delicious Indy pizza and chatted for awhile. Pretty low key day and I'm not complaining! I will be catching up with a college friend/roomie tomorrow for brunch, getting a pedi (hopefully- if i can find a salon open on sundays), and spending some time with the hubs and his sister. Heading out on Monday back to the alma mater!

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